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Advancement Management

Staffing Functional Mapping

Articulate all of the functions and responsibilities of your advancement office and assign primary and secondary responsibilities to each advancement staff member, senior administrator and volunteer committees. Identify voids and redundancies.

Benchmark-Based Budgeting

Framework that uses industry benchmarks to guide budget development. Establish a defendable rationale for budget expenses that are tied to revenue goals for each donor constituency group.

Giving Society Valuation and Fulfillment

Rational, budgeted approach to determine engagement opportunities for donors at various giving levels.

Gift Acceptance and Recognition Policies

Anticipate every contingency in accepting, recording, and recognizing gifts and donors.

Legacy Naming Opportunities Valuation Formulas

System for valuing different legacy naming opportunities.

Direct Mail Performance

Measure the effectiveness of your direct mail fundraising operations and results based on ten essential success benchmarks.

Incentive Compensation Matrix

Establish performance incentives for fundraising and teamwork using metrics and weightings in a way that can be retrieved easily through database queries.

Together We Can Make Big Things Happen

Let’s talk and see what makes sense for your organization