My August 4th GivingTake post addressed “The Little Engine That Could” highlighting…
There seems to be this belief that by “benchmarking” an organization to other…
Beware of academic modeling…unless you keep it simple it falls apart.…
Centre College in Danville KY is indeed a little engine but with a…
It takes more than wishful thinking to get a share of the big…
There is no substitute for professional development and being a life-long learner. All…
There are so many reasons for fundraisers to feel good about our profession…
Master Gift Officer. Just the words alone conjure up confidence, optimism, energy, and…
This New Yorker cartoon reminded me that event season is right around…
So why should I support you? Why does your organization merit a gift…
You may be familiar with the old adage about the word “assume”… that…
Master Gift Officer. Just the words alone conjure up confidence, optimism, energy, and…
According to author and well known life coach Shakti Gawain, “You create your…
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but…