Yesterday I had the privilege of attending a panel discussion addressing gender bias,…
Dear Nonprofit CEO, I know your plate is full. You manage your board…
One of Yogi Berra’s famous utterances – When you get to a fork…
It is time for our industry to respond to a changing donor-fundraising paradigm…
There is a growing body of research that indicates that no matter our…
Leading from behind: a leader, he said, is like a shepherd. He stays…
It has been 18 years since my wife Deborah and I last had…
In addition to my post addressing how the new tax law is likely…
Hard as this may be to imagine, it is not so easy to…
When is it appropriate for nonprofit leaders to comment on a burning issue?…
We all know that it is helpful when you can incorporate kids, furry…
There is no denying that a major source of frustration for advancement officers…
Money works in mysterious ways. The cause and effect that often comes with…
Are you a fundraising Mercenary or Missionary? These two fundamental leadership styles have…
It’s time for the nonprofit sector’s stakeholders to exert our considerable influence on…
You may recall how disputes were resolved when we were kids using Rock-Paper-Scissors.…
I had the good fortune to attend a luncheon presentation at The Friday…
This is not a sexy topic, but it addresses a central and often…
The recent article in The New York Times, “How the Rich Are Hurting…