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Capital Campaigns Just Got More Complicated

Creating the case for support and launching a campaign are a heavy lift for most organizations. Now, campaign leaders must contend with the existential question from leaders and donors – will federal grant and budget cuts weaken your organization? Will your organization be able to fulfill its core mission-centric programs today and after the campaign is completed? Hospitals Take the ...

March Madness Shutdown

The role of government is being redesigned. It is comically safe to say the architects of this redesign do not know how our government works or what it does for Americans and people the world over. However, the chaos and redesign by a blunt instrument are nothing compared to what will likely happen when Congress needs to come up with ...

Nonprofits at the Crossroads: Surviving a Constitutional Crisis Means Radical Adaptation

America’s nonprofit sector is facing an existential crisis. Appreciated stock contributions are at risk, federal funding is threatened, and a March government shutdown is not out of the question. This isn’t merely a downturn—it’s a constitutional crisis demanding radical adaptation. Success requires hard-nosed prioritization. Organizations must identify mission-critical programs and essential staff while considering previously unthinkable options, such as mergers, consolidations, ...
ribbon cutting miami cancer institute

Reflections on the Origin of Donor Abacus

Baptist Health South Florida and the opening of the Miami Cancer Center Lately, I’ve been reflecting on the earliest days of Abacus and its success with Baptist Health South Florida. Its use and success motivated me to institutionalize this major donor fundraising tool beyond my private consulting clients at Copley Raff. In 2013, the Baptist Health South Florida Foundation engaged ...

Diversify Your Revenue Streams – Winter is Coming

The common refrain in Game of Thrones is “Winter is coming.” It is meant to portend a prolonged season of hardship with an unknown end-time. “Winter” began yesterday, January 20th, at noon and portends to be a disruptive and uncertain time. Any nonprofit organization that relies on funds from government sources - contracts or grants - needs a plan to offset likely ...

Wisdom From My Grandfather – and a Warning – Redux

Originally published, October 2018 My grandfather Jack and I spent a lot of time fishing when I was growing up. He was a refugee from the Jew-rousting pogroms in Russia before and during the Russian Revolution in 1917. When he was handed a rifle to fight and didn’t know what side he was on, so he immigrated to Chicago and ...