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Coaching is More Valuable Than Ever as We Change the Advancement Paradigm

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Every serious athlete has a coach. Every successful executive has or has had a coach. Every successful fundraiser has or has had a coach. Why?

Good coaches help you find the excellence that is in you. They are versed in the behavioral dynamics of teams and organizations and can detect beliefs and fears that may be keeping you from reaching the top of your game. And good a coach will help you navigate daily challenges with strength and peace of mind in a rapidly changing and sometimes chaotic work world.

Fundraising in the time of COVID-19 is forcing upon us a new paradigm for advancement. As advancement professionals, we must discover and create the best new strategies to overcome the social interaction restrictions we face—and rapidly adopt the smartest new techniques to execute our work. A good coach will help you stay on track.

Not One and Done

In the advancement space, coaches are often engaged to help you prepare your organization for a campaign; to help you achieve the objectives of a strategic plan; and to help you become a better advancement officer. The coaching process is designed to assist you in the implementation of practices, behaviors and habits that will result in a positive return on your investment. A good coach will help you access your most resourceful and powerful state as a leader and professional.

It is essential that your coach is someone with whom you have excellent rapport and who you trust has the experience that you need. Sessions typically occur weekly or bi-weekly and it is common to have “homework” between sessions. Coaching is a commitment of time, energy and money—and a valuable investment in you and your organization’s mission.

Finding the Right Coach

Copley Raff has a deep bench of senior-level consultants with a broad history of successful coaching for non-profit executives and advancement professionals. Our coaching clients often employ us following planning and campaign engagements to ensure positive outcomes with their ongoing work. Coaching is often the key to effective implementation of transformative business and organizational strategies such as moving from event-dependent fundraising to building and executing on a major donor pipeline.

During this unprecedented era, please consider Copley Raff a resource to help you rise to the most challenging occasion of our time.

Appreciation to Diane Blumenson, Senior Consultant, for her contributions to this post.

Stay safe and find funny!


Copley Raff’s mission: Every interaction is to help nonprofit organizations fulfill their missions by meeting ambitious goals, aligning their leadership, elevating fundraising, and activating the brilliance of their teams. It’s a bold promise but one that we know will serve you and your organization’s mission in a way that will deliver tangible and meaningful results – the kind of results that make a real difference!

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